Code sets you free
🇺🇸 Multilingual tech-culture podcast where you learn to fight to become a successful professional in tech. Break the entry barriers, learn the skills, keep motivated, find jobs, network, successfully use AI, and stay up-to-date.
🇪🇸 Podcast de cultura-tech donde aprenderás a luchar contra todos los enemigos que quieren impedirte ser éxitoso en el mundo tech: Romper las barreras de entrada, adquirir destrezas, encontrar trabajo, hacer networking , utilizar AI y mantenerte al día con todos los acontecimientos tech.
2 episodes
The struggles when learning to code
In this episode, we dive into the inspiring story of Leo, a budding software developer whose initial foray into the world of coding through an engineering college degree left him disheartened and disillusioned. However, with unwavering support ...
Season 1
Episode 2

Your enemies while learning to code
We speak with Tomas Gonzalez about his journey when learning to code and getting his first paid job. We analyze all the obstacles against Tomas's success and the things he did to be where he is today: Making enough money to support his family a...
Season 1
Episode 1